
Building My Home Network!

Build a Network

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Network Components
  4. Wireless Router Settings
  5. Laptop Wireless Configuration
  6. PC Configuration
  7. Internet Settings
  8. Server Settings
  9. Reach
  10. Conclusion


1. Introduction

Welcome to the documentation of my simple network configuration created using Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT). This documentation provides an overview of the prerequisites, components, network configuration, IP address assignment, internet settings and more. The network is comprised of a PC, laptop, cable modem, cloud for internet access, wireless router, and a remote server that will be able to give us access to the server.
In today’s world it is important to try to understand how networks function and how they are set up even if it is just touching the surface. This documentation will serve as a reference guide for beginners who want help comprehending the components, connectivity, and routing within a simple home network. By the end of this documentation, you will have a clear understanding of how these network elements interact to provide internet access to the connected devices.
Feel free to check out the video above for a more visual representation of the work listed below. This project is meant to just touch the basics of networking in a household environment and more importantly to have fun with it. I hope you enjoy it!

2. Prerequisites

Cisco Packet Tracer Access / Cisco Account.
  • Head over to and click on the “View courses” in the middle of the screen. Scroll down a bit and under the “All Content” click on the second course presented called “Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Tracer” and hit Get Started.
  • You will be prompted to login or create an account with Cisco. After getting started with an account, you can decide if you want to complete the course (It is 100% free) which will teach you the basics of CPT including how to download and set up or just go and find the option to download Cisco Packet Tracer.

3. Network Components

After downloading, installing, and opening CPT you can go and access your bottom left corner of the screen and look for the following components to start off our home network:
  • PC (PC1)
  • Laptop (Laptop1)
  • Cable Modem (Modem1)
  • Cloud (Internet)
  • Wireless Router (Router1)
  • Server (
After implementing the components, be sure to name them if you would like! Click on top of the name of the component. Example: PC-PT PC0, click on the “PC0” to change the name.

4. Wireless Router Settings

We will start with the cable wiring, a “Copper-Straight-Through” cable will be used to connect the PC to the wireless router using the FastEthernet0 on the PC into the Wireless Router using Ethernet1. Another Copper-Straight-Through cable will be implemented from the Wireless Router using Internet into the Cable Modem using Port 1. A successful connection should be established noted by the green arrows. Click on the router to access the settings.
Under GUI-
Router IP:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
DHCP Server: Enabled
Start IP Address
Maximum number of Users: 50
Static DNS 1: 209-55-220-220
Save Settings
Network Name (SSID): HomeNetwork
Now that we have those settings set up on our wireless router, with the current devices connected. We now need to connect the laptop to it through a wireless connection.

5. Laptop Wireless Configuration

By clicking on the laptop, you will be presented with a 3D build of the laptop. On the left side of the screen, you will see different modules that can be installed onto the laptop. We need to first turn off the power and remove the current PT-LAPTOP-NM-1CFE module with a WPC300N module. This will let you connect wirelessly to the wireless router. Go to your Desktop, PC Wireless and find your HomeNetwork.
Check your current IP address on your laptop:
To do this open your laptop and go to the “Desktop” tab and click the “Command Prompt” option. You will be presented with a console command line and input the following:
C:\ >ipconfig /all. Your IP address should be the “IPv4 Address”.
IP address:

6. PC Configuration

Click on your PC and open your “Desktop” tab. Then, click on the “IP Configuration” Section. Instead of having a(n) Static IP configuration, change it to DHCP so that an IP address is automatically assigned.
Check your current IP address on your PC:
To do this open your laptop and go to the “Desktop” tab and click on “Command Prompt” option. You will be presented with a console command line and input the following:
C:\ >ipconfig. Your IP address should be the “IPv4 Address”.
IP address:
You may notice that our IP addresses are somewhat similar, this is because it is part of the same DHCP server.

7.Internet Settings.

Connect a Coaxial cable from the Cable Modem using Port 0 to the Internet Cloud using Coaxial7. Furthermore, connect a Copper-Straight-Through cable from the Internet using Ethernet6 to the server using FastEthernet0.
Click on the Internet to go into the settings, config and Ethernet6. Change the Provider Network to Cable. Click on the Cable section and add the Coaxial7 to Ethernet6 cable connection.

8. Server Settings

Click on servers to open the settings and click on the Services tab. Go to DHCP and change the following:
Service: ON
Pool Name: DHCPpool
Default Gateway:
DNS Server:
Start IP Address: 209 55 220 1
Subnet Mask: 255 255 255 0
Maximum Number of Users: 50
Click Add
Click on DNS and activate the DNS Service
Click Add
Finally, click on the Config tab and input the following:
Default Gateway:
DNS Server:
Click the FastEthernet0 option on the left and input the following:
IPV4 Address:
Subnet Mask:

9. Reach

To reach out to the Cisco servers, open any of your devices and go to your command prompt. We need to first release and renew our IP address. Input the following:
C:\ >ipconfig /release
C:\>ipconfig /renew
Now that our IP has been renewed, we can reach
You should receive a response from Servers.

10. Conclusion

This documentation aims to explore the creation of a simple home network using Cisco Packet Tracer (CPT). This project was designed to give a basic understanding of the foundational elements of networking in a household environment. This project helps in understanding how a DHCP server works, network configuration, necessary components, and their respective settings. Cisco Packet Tracer serves as a platform for learning and experimenting with networking concepts, offering valuable insights into how devices connect and communicate in a networked environment. Projects like these inspire me to explore and learn more about the world of networking and its potential. Hope it did the same for you!